Tuesday, 09 September 2008

At Home with Self

I got to Nairobi Sunday night. So far I'm liking it. Exept that on my first full day it rained sana and ma3s were scarce.
I haven't started tarmacking yet, in fact I go to my shags kesho to properly catch up with my folks.
I've met a college friend today and interesting to see how many people are trained as teachers but are going to different fields, yours truly included.
I haven't signed for internet at home yet, so I'll keep this short.


Maua said...

Congratulations, finally you made it.

Have the favour of God in all you do, and pave the way for us.

And this here is a firstie.

Amelia said...

welcome home! hope you enjoy your visit and all the best in 'tarmacking'. i think teaching is a great proffession. im hoping to get into it sometime in the future when i get into psychology.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Karibu sana. I hope your being back home is the blessing it's meant to be.

Anonymous said...

karibu sana. Get Safcoms 3G connection for internet. Its the hottest thing in town

Proud Kikuyu Woman said...

Thank you all!
Maua: Asante, sijui niseme? I'm loving it so far.
Mona: Thanks. It sure is, and wish you the best as you get into it. It is rewarding.
Pink M: Asante dada. Been wondering how to catch you.
Greamhouze; Asante mara tena. I opted to get the Zain internet connection since it is unlimited. Catch: I signed a one year contract.

Anon said...

Just wanted to congratulate you on the big step. I did the same thing a few years back, and while its rewarding, its no picnic. It takes time to adjust, and not everyone is welcoming and supportive, but you'll find something to do, reconnect with old friends, make new ones, fall in love etc etc and one day you'll wonder what you were anxious about..
so here`s to you and best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Catch me at memoirs.pink@gmail.com I hope you got to read the interview tips I referred y'all to, but if you need help, I'll give as much as I can girl.

Sayra said...

Welcome back gal,

So when is the gals night out? si u jua mafans ni wengi.

Proud Kikuyu Woman said...

Robert: Mingi thanks. I know what you're talking about.
Pink M; Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to drop you a line if need be
Sayra: Asante, jo! Tutapanga.