I went to the last Uganda Bloggers Happy Hour (UBHH) and plan on going to the next one this Thursday. I think it should actually be remaned UBTHH to include the folk on twitter who never blog but don't shy away from UBHH.
As a result of my going, my blogging has been and will be greatly affected as I am no longer anonymous. I wasn't planning on being anonymous much longer anyway; I've been meaning to attend one mauano session in Nai, if they still happen.
See, my blog has always been about the people and events in my life, or so I would like to think. I don't have a theme that I write about. Hence I find this person mildly insulting who said that great mind discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and little minds discuss people; or something to that effect. You will be saddened to know that I've always fought long and hard to not blog about people; my friends, my family, my colleagues, my close enemies. So far, on many occassions, I have succeeded, but evidence points to the fact that I have a little mind. And blog. Right now I feel an urge to go back and edit any bad things I've written about people, dead or alive, so I can rise above the little mind level.
UBHH was fun. I met @Normzo who blogs here, Sleek, Jny23Ug (who I'd met way back in Feb), @HellenNyana, AntiPop, Baz, @MarkBulamu and many others. No offence, for those whose names I don't remember, or anyone who I claim to have met but did not. I was actually sick and on antimalarials, hence my quick exit to go and puke after just the first bottle. Thanks, @MarkBulamu, next time I'll take as many bottles of Smirnoff Ice as you can buy, though I realize I am not what I drink and may need to change alcohol preferences. Seriously, beer is bitter! You may be happy to know that I am considering quitting drinking alcohol once and for all. Or maybe just stick to the occassional glass of red wine.
Related: Archer Mishale is probably the most popular Kenyan blogger among the UG bloggers. One @Kenyansista was challenged to make her Uganda trip more than just an idea. That's all I can remember guys, sorry. On Thursday, (if I make it!) I won't be sick so hopefully I'll have more to report on. Happy week good people.
Unrelated: I'm wondering how I can get a day off on Friday, now that kidogo naanza kujivunia kuwa Mkenya. Call me a spoiler, naye, I think as Kenyans celebrate the promul....prowhatever of the new constitution they shouldn't forget the excitement following the 2002 elections and how, while there has been growth, it was not instant. Thing is, Kenya's is a developing country in every sense of the word, and politics, well, to me it's like a wind, which often changes direction, and we don't know which direction it will blow next time. Realistic optimism, that's how I live my life. Try it.
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3 months ago
Well, am one of those you couldn't remember. So am guessing I will see you at the next UBHH, amma make sure you remember me.............
Mauano still happens... Theirs one going down on Saturday 28th.. I wish u can kuja for it..U get urself the first two "Panty removers" and then, I swoop in with another two and next thing...U know what happens next!..lol
PKW, I admire the fact that Ugandan bloggers have a group thing going on! I wish we had something in Kenya similar to that..Get to meet other bloggers and understand how they go about writing! It may be about the drink, but hearing from other bloggers I believe, helps one grow!
As for this blog called PKW...You are probably the blog I frequent the most. YES..Your I rank UP THERE because of its candid and yet subtle style.. You are honest and you seem to bear yourself out for the world to understand you more and I it is that...I envy most about you and it is that...which makes your a must read!
Congrats on your 'coming out'. When you're in Nai next, can we do coffee? (I realise that sounds like I'm asking you out on a date :-) )
Oh i did not know you had been swallowing antimalarials. Thought you were just snubbing 'our' smirnoffs.
It was a pleasure meeting you PKW.
Will see you again.
See u again tomorrow and the Mega BHH at the end of the year.
Yes, i just announced. There's gonna be a Mega BHH this year.
PKW, that meet up sounds interesting I know a couple of bloggers I'd like to meet, but wonder which is more interesting remaining anonymous or finally blowing your cover....
Mckeith: Nsonyiwa bambi!
Ray: In September, I will be in town for have 4 evenings, and one of those will be reserved for you :0)
Kellie: Yes, one for you too. How may I reach you?
Normzo: Was happy to meet you. Love your tweets!
jny23ug:Can't wait! Just make sure it's by the second week of Dec, please?
Cee: Blowing your cover.
UG Bloggers: Banange I may not make it tonight due to a coinciding chama meeting (not sure what the Luganda word for that is; setting where women meet,pool money but more importantly, gossip)
Shaaaaa. UBHH doesnt end untill after 11am. So go for chama till like 7.30 or 8pm and then come for BHH. sawa sawa?
But you didn't come back yesterday!!!
jny23ug and sleek; chama ended late!
Fun times.
Maybe I'll make it this month. Maybe I'll stay in the closet...
Thank you very much PKW and the Ugandan bloggers! Much appreciated.
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