I’m now solidly in my thirties-wah, 31, na hizo miaka zinasonga! The b/day was jana but I didn’t have a chance to celebrate properly-too much going on. But will have a make up in the coming weeks.
I fulfilled one of my goals just one day to the birthday.
One of my lesser goals for rest of the year is to be tidier-neat desk, no clothes on the floor, and no asking myself everyday “Now, what am I wearing today?” because I can’t find anything that doesn’t need ironing.
And dude, thanks for that MP3 player. Really helpful on a 12-hour bus ride, especially when the herbalist is selling concoctions that can cure everything.
How to Build and Manage a Table of Contents in MS Word
A Table of Contents (TOC) is an essential part of long documents, such as
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3 months ago
Happy belated. 1 down, 80 more to go. I hope you had a lovely day, hanging those clothes after ironing them.
Keep up the spirit.
And that up there is a 1stie.
Oh my, am I late for the party? Happy belated.
Thanks, ladies. Shiko, unaweza come K'la cha ukweli? Maybe you can come with akina B.W.?
I'd love to. They're kujaing? Let me snoop around for the when and how then I'll update you.
Kuna kimenyano kwa hii party? Just asking since me no invited.
Maua, not to worry, mipango bado pangwa
Shiko,sawa, waiting
I am sooo late to the party BUT
Happy Belated! Be blessed!
We still have those people selling stuff inside moving buses? And the preachers too? I hate. I hate.
happy Belated birthday.
Happy Belated, naona Pilau imeisha ndio mimi nafika....May you have many more to come
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